The Fast of Complete Joy

The Fast of Complete Joy

Have you noticed that songs, TV series, movies, and social networks constantly teach us ideas? When we view, listen to or read specific content, we feed our minds with the ideas transmitted through it. Therefore, the more worldly content we intake, the more worldly we tend to become.

The opposite is also true: the more we seek God and the things of God, the more like Him we become. The more we sincerely seek Him, we allow the Holy Spirit to live within us, and our faith and relationship with the Lord Jesus are strengthened day by day.

The purpose of the Fast of Complete Joy is to dedicate 21 days to purify and consecrate ourselves, our minds, and our hearts to seek and receive the Holy Spirit. It begins on April 11th and ends on May 1st.

How to do the Fast of Complete Joy?

In the rush of our day-to-day lives, we tend to get so involved with problems, errands, and entertainment, that many people ignore the presence of the Most High. They do not communicate with Him or meditate in His Word.

During 21 days, participants will not visit social networks and will not watch secular videos, movies, and anything that does not add to their faith and relationship with the Lord Jesus. By doing so, each person will have clarity of mind and time to seek the Holy Spirit and listen to Him.

The Holy Spirit molds us to be more and more like the Lord Jesus. He sanctifies and teaches us constantly how to be true children of God, citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven. He heals and cleanses us from past emotional traumas. He breaks our ego, selfish desires, and erroneous thoughts and delivers us from the sin that separates us from God.

What should I do during the Fast of Complete Joy?

  • Read and meditate on the Bible daily. Pray and ask God to speak with you through His Word.
  • Take part in meetings in the church that help to build your faith. If there is no church in your area, you may participate in the Virtual Church meetings.
  • Speak with God with sincerity, and in your prayer to Him, say what is inside of you. Do not hold back and tell Him everything you have hidden inside you.
  • Select a book of faith to read. Suggestions are The Holy Spirit, In the Footsteps of Jesus, Here I Am, Lord!
  • Meditate on the spiritual contents of, and
  • Watch Biblical and spiritual videos on 

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