Isaac was already advanced in years and could not see. He had two sons: Esau, who was the firstborn, and Jacob. One day, Jacob pretended Esau and received the blessing in his place. This, made Esau hate Jacob. In this way, Jacob deceived his father and brother.
However, despite having made a mistake, God considered Jacob’s will to get the blessing. Because, before Esau had despised God’s blessing.
For many years, Jacob carried within himself all the emotional and psychological baggage of his past mistakes. Thus, one day he had to return to his homeland at God’s request. On the way, alone, he spoke to the Most High and was sincere. He didn’t want that identity anymore.
After fighting hard against that situation, something happened: “You shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel; for you fought with God and men like a prince, and prevailed.” Genesis 32:28
The change in your life
Maybe, just like Jacob, you also want to change your identity, and leave you past behind. Know that only the Holy Spirit can make this total transformation in your life.
The Daybreak prayer began in preparation for the great campaign of the Vow of Jabbok.
“One time he (Jacob) sent gifts to his(Esau) brother because he wanted to make peace, he wanted to reconcile. What did he do? He sent presents to his brother. And these presents nowadays are the money people spend trying to fix a problem. ”. Explained Bishop Joshua Fonseca, during the live broadcast of the Daybreak prayer.
If you want to join us in this faith, participate in the Daybreak prayers With Bishop Joshua and Bishop David. The prayers are Live from Monday-Friday at 5 Am (CT) and 6 Am (ET).
You can join us for this prayer on the Universal Living Faith Network website, Facebook, YouTube, ULFN apps, and Universal Online Radio.